I've been asked by a few people how they could help the site.
There are currently three things you can do:
- Send an e-mail telling your story, or just saying what you think of the
- Link to this site from your own :-)
- Send a donation to Public Citizen in this site's name. Just go
https://www.citizen.org/join/member_form.cfm?src=500WI and in the
comments section mention that you're joining or donating on behalf of
farmersReallySucks.com (Please note that I don't actually get anything
for this, but I relied heavily on PCs documentation and received some basic
advice from them. I'd like to give back. I joined as a member
@$35.00, how bout you?)
- I don't want any direct donations (for now at least). This site
costs me roughly $1000 per year (based on domain registrations, server
hosting space, bandwidth, my time spent on the site at my current pay rate,
etc.) I can afford that on my own ;) I suppose if the cost of hosting the
site were to become exorbitant I would consider donations to offset that,
but it's not needed for now at least.